NiK Kacy's Summer Blog Update... is Pride really over?
Posted on July 01 2018

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Its amazing that Pride month flew by so quickly! I hope all of you had a great time marching in your respective parades and walking your way as we continue to be visible as a community. Remember Pride is not limited to just one month each year. Every day, we need to be visible, present and authentically ourselves! In fact, a few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to increase my visibility beyond my usual community when an amazing human being, Doctor of Physical Therapy, C. Shanté Cofield of The Movement Maestro invited me to go on their podcast! We talked about ALL. THE. THINGS! We learned about each other's journeys and we shared our learnings, our struggles and our joy. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have done this! Please check out the podcast when you have time and follow @themovementmaestro on IG to learn more about their journey!
Speaking of gratitude...Thank you to all of you who supported our big Pride promos! They were great deals and I'm excited to see many new clients wearing styles from our Fortune Collection and the soon to be delivered Georgios, Modern Belt, and Utility Holster Wallet from the Destiny Collection.
Destiny is calling... I know so many of you have been inquiring about when the new Georgios and Utility Holsters will be ready... I have great news! We are officially in full production mode and I hope to be shipping your new boots, harnesses, and/or belts by mid-late July! I am so grateful that you have been so patient while I worked with my suppliers to ensure the highest of quality in all the materials we use. From imported dual-sided chicago screws shipped in from Canada to exclusive YKK metal duo-toned zippers that are only available in Mexico manufacturing. Every detail has been put into the new collection. I'm also continuing to work on the new Chelsea boot design, along with 4 other styles AND the start of the HIGH HEEL collection! woot hoot! ;) I'm super excited to bring to fruition my vision of a gender-equal fashion world where everyone should be comfortable not only in their own skin but also in their shoes!
Finally, I have a surprise for some of you... I just went thru my inventory and have made available some sold-out sizes across various styles from the Fortune Collection that were previously hidden. If there's a pair you've been eyeing but we didn't have your size, please check again as there might be a pair now! But hurry before its gone! PLUS, on July 4th, I will be doing a FLASH INDEPENDENCE DAY SALE on certain items and inventory! So be sure to check it out on July 4th again if you want a great deal! Get it while there's still inventory!
Thank you for all of your continued support!!!
Happy Summer!